

This 隐私政策 describes how hg8868皇冠下载 Company (“hg8868皇冠下载,” “we,” “us,或“我们的”)收集, 使用, 分享你的信息 ojk.22ndgaming.net, 所有其他由皇冠现金盘公司拥有和运营的网站, 包括移动网站, 和皇冠现金盘公司的移动应用程序, “网站”), 以及我们为您提供的关于您的信息的选择.

请仔细阅读本隐私政策. 如果您是加利福尼亚州的居民,也请阅读我们的 加州居民隐私声明, which is incorporated in this 隐私政策 by this reference.

What kind of information does hg8868皇冠下载 collect from site visitors?

When you visit the hg8868皇冠下载 Site, hg8868皇冠下载 may collect the following types of information:

  • 统计和使用信息-当您与爱达荷州电力公司的网站进行交互时,爱达荷州电力公司会接收并存储某些类型的信息,以监控适当的功能, 确定需要持续改进的领域, and to support Site analytics and marketing and customer 服务 efforts. This is aggregated information and may include information on items such as: how many visitors come to the Site, 他们如何浏览网站, 他们使用什么浏览器, 等. To collect this information, we use tracking technologies 比如饼干 (as described below).
  • 您直接向我们提供的信息-当您在在线表格中直接提交个人身份信息时, 登记表格, 和调查, or when you register on the Site to access your hg8868皇冠下载 account information, hg8868皇冠下载 may use that information to help hg8868皇冠下载 identify you, 验证你, 为您提供服务, 并力求在未来为您提供更好的服务. Examples of personally identifiable information that you may provide directly to us on our Site include your name, 邮寄或服务地址, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 帐号, 银行帐户或信用卡号码, 社保号码和驾照号码.
  • Information we obtain from other sources — We may also obtain information about you from other sources, such as from a credit check performed when you apply for certain hg8868皇冠下载 服务.
  • Information we collect automatically — We may also collect information by automated means, such as information about the devices you use to access the internet (e.g., IP地址和设备类型, operating system and browser); dates, times and duration of visits to the Site (including whether you are a repeat or first time visitor); and information associated with actions taken on the Site (such as page views and areas of the Site navigated to). 另外, 当您使用移动设备访问本网站时, 包括通过我们的移动应用程序, we may collect and process real-time information about the location of your device. 如果您最初允许根据您的移动操作系统使用的许可系统从您的移动设备收集此精确位置信息, you can later disable it by changing the location settings on your mobile device. 禁用精确位置收集可能会限制您在移动设备上使用我们网站的某些功能. 另外, 禁用从您的移动设备收集精确位置并不会限制我们从您的IP地址推断您大致位置的能力.

请注意,您可以使用您的移动设备自带的功能在我们的移动应用程序上登录您的帐户,这些功能使用触摸和面部验证来验证您的身份. While hg8868皇冠下载 is notified by your device whether authentication is successful, 任何面部或指纹认证信息都由您的移动操作系统提供商存储和处理, 皇冠现金盘公司无权获取这些信息.


hg8868皇冠下载 使用 your information to provide requested 服务 and to support our business functions. 例如, we may use your information to fulfill your requests for 产品 and 服务 and communicate with you about those requests; help you quickly find and/or receive information about hg8868皇冠下载 or one of its affiliated companies; register and 服务 your account; make electronic payments on your account; administer surveys; provide customer 服务; improve the content of our Site; operate, 评估, and improve the 产品 and 服务 we offer; alert you to updated information and 服务; protect the security or integrity of our Site and our business; enforce our 条款与条件 and other agreements with you; comply with applicable legal requirements and industry standards; and answer your questions; and carry out any other purpose described to you at the time the information was collected.


  • Making the information available to third parties who are providing a product, 服务, 或您所要求的信息;
  • Making the information available to third parties who provide 服务 to hg8868皇冠下载, 例如执行计算机相关服务的第三方, 银行账户或信用卡支付处理, 就业服务, 信用报告, 或债务催收(在帐户违约的情况下);
  • To identify and authenticate visitors, for example, to determine if you are an account holder;
  • When hg8868皇冠下载 believes that disclosure of the information is necessary to investigate, 防止, 或对任何非法活动采取行动, 干扰本网站的运作, application or enforcement of our 条款与条件 and other agreements with you or protection of the rights, 财产, 或皇冠现金盘公司的安全, 本网站用户, 或其他;
  • 当联邦或州法律要求我们这样做时, 传票, 或者法院命令, at the request of state or federal regulatory agencies or commissions, or as we believe is legally appropriate or necessary (for example, with lawyers and other professional advisors where necessary to obtain advice or otherwise protect and manage our business interests); and
  • 与任何合并有关或在任何合并谈判期间, 出售或转让公司资产, 融资, 重组或重组.

我们也可能将我们收集的信息与公开信息以及本网站其他用户的信息相结合. 例如, 我们可能会使用您和其他用户的非身份信息, 汇总数据以改进我们提供的服务, 用于统计分析, 还有其他商业目的. 我们保留使用和共享任何不能合理用于识别您的聚合信息或去识别信息的权利.


通过短码程序获得的数据(参见 条款与条件 page) will not be shared with any third-parties for their marketing reasons/purposes.


In addition to communicating via email regarding your specific needs and requests, we may also communicate with you regarding relevant news and information about rates, 产品, 服务, promotions and other items of interest through use of email communication. If you do not wish to receive email communication from hg8868皇冠下载, please 联系我们 要求从皇冠现金盘公司的电子邮件列表中删除,或按照每封电子邮件中包含的退订说明进行操作. Otherwise, we will presume email is an acceptable and effective means of communicating with you. Please note that you may not opt-out of certain forms of 服务-related communications.


We and those that perform work for us may use tracking technologies, 比如饼干, 收集有关您的信息.

饼干. “cookie”是由每个用户的浏览器存储在您的硬盘驱动器或设备内存中的一段数据,其中包含有关计算机或其他互联网连接设备用户的信息. We use cookies to recognize return visitors and deliver web content in accordance with your interests. 饼干允许皇冠现金盘跟踪和定位用户的兴趣,并更好地定制皇冠现金盘的网站,以符合您的喜好. You may be able to adjust the settings on your internet browser to erase cookies from your hard drive, 块饼干, 或者在cookie被存储之前给你一个警告. Please refer to your browser’s instructions for help with these options. 通过激活移动设备上的适当设置,可以拒绝接受移动cookie. 请注意,为了注册任何皇冠现金盘公司的在线产品或服务,可能需要放置cookie, so disabling cookies may affect your ability to access these 产品 or 服务.

广告与分析. 爱达荷州电力公司允许其他人在您访问其网站时收集某些信息,并在您访问本网站或其他网站时使用这些信息为爱达荷州电力公司服务提供广告,并为爱达荷州电力公司提供分析服务. 这些实体可能使用cookie, 网络信标, 设备标识符, and other technologies 收集有关您的信息r use of our Site and other websites and applications, 包括你的IP地址, web浏览器, 移动网络信息, 页面查看, 花在网页或手机应用上的时间, 链接点击, 以及转换信息. 此信息可能被皇冠现金盘公司和其他公司用于, 除此之外, 分析和跟踪数据, 确定某些内容的受欢迎程度, deliver advertising and content targeted to your interests on our Site and other websites, 更好地了解你的在线活动. 有关基于兴趣的广告的更多信息, or to opt out of having your web browsing information used for behavioral advertising purposes, 请浏览WWW.aboutads.信息/选择. 您的移动设备可能还包含一项功能,允许您选择不让通过移动应用收集的某些信息用于行为广告目的.


You can review and change your information by logging into your account or by contacting us as described below.


hg8868皇冠下载’s Site contains links to various other websites and social media pages of third parties. 请注意,这些其他网站的隐私政策和条款与皇冠现金盘公司的不同. 我们建议您查看这些外部网站的隐私惯例和政策以及条款和条件. 一旦您链接到其他网站,皇冠现金盘公司对这些链接网站的内容或您的隐私概不负责. 任何外部链接的使用都由您自行决定.

hg8868皇冠下载’s right to change privacy policies and practices

hg8868皇冠下载 reserves the right to make changes to any part of this 隐私政策 at its sole discretion, 在任何时候,恕不另行通知. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of this 隐私政策. 如果我们对本隐私政策作出重大修改, 我们将向您提供额外通知(例如在我们的网站上添加声明或向您发送通知)。. 继续了解我们的资讯管理措施, 请经常查阅本私隐政策. 本隐私政策无意也不会为任何个人或组织或代表任何个人或组织创造任何合同或法律权利. Your continued use of this Site following any such change will constitute acceptance of those changes.


If you have questions or comments on this 隐私政策, please 联系我们.